The core of the Management Team and those responsible for oversight over all activities are:
- The Team leader, who is also part of the Executive Board, responsible for general strategic oversight and execution (OBREAL GLOBAL)
- The general coordinator of the initiative, responsible for operational oversight (OBREAL GLOBAL)
- The general coordinator of AAU, responsible for AAU’s transversal role in the initiative’s implementation.
- The project managers, hosted by AAU, OBREAL GLOBAL, DAAD and ENQA. They are responsible for the oversight and implementation of the specific actions areas that are divided between partners. They ensure the day to day management of the Initiative, the execution of the activities in a timely manner and the necessary inter‐partner communication.
- Higher Education/Quality Experts from all four partners who are consulted regularly regarding the methodology of the activities of the Initiative, their execution and their respective quality.
- Communication coordinators: OBREAL GLOBAL, in cooperation with AAU, who oversee the communications strategy.
- Administrative staff:
- ICT specialists: Employed by AAU for the oversight of the AQRM online survey.
- Event managers: A central events manager at OBREAL GLOBAL to oversee all event registration, bookings and visas.
- Lead financial coordinator/director: OBREAL GLOBAL, supported by a lead financial officer at AAU.