In the context of the HAQAA2, a Technical Working Group has been convened to support the development of the Continental African Accreditation Agency – a politically agreed body of the Pan African Quality Assurance and Accreditation Framework – which will make suggestions regarding the mandate, establishment plan and organisational set‐up. It is composed of 8 members will the following profiles:
- Expert 1: A research profile, familiar with the continental harmonisation and the AU political agenda for higher education in Africa. This person has contributed to a previous feasibility study that has been done on the PAQAF (2015).
- Expert 2: A legal profile, familiar with AU policy making and legalities and the establishment of previous AU entities or bodies. This individual would be able to advise on the legal considerations of the set-up of the Continental Agency.
- Expert 3: A political representative of at least one of the African economic communities. This person would be in charge of ensuring consistency with the objectives of the regional communities in Africa and generating their endorsement
- Expert 4: A representative of a long-established African national QA agency, who can advise on the mandate and ensure complementary with national QA regulatory bodies.
- Expert 5: A leader of a higher education institution or association, with experience in continental cooperation, as well as technical knowledge of both EQA and IQA
- Expert 6: An expert on the existing PAQAF actions lines and tools (especially the ASG-QA, but also the AQRM and the Addis Convention).
- Expert 7: A European expert with experience in the EHEA, the ESG, agency review and the set-up of the EQAR (European Quality Assurance Register).