À propos de la série de MOOC
Avec la participation d’experts africains de premier plan, HAQAA2 a produit un ensemble de documents écrits sur l’intégration et la coopération régionales et continentales africaines dans l’enseignement supérieur. Un cours pilote, composé d’une série de MOOC, a été lancé sur le même sujet, en exploitant ces supports.
L’objectif principal du matériel et du cours était de promouvoir une réflexion innovante et une action efficace en Afrique, dans une perspective africaine, pour l’amélioration et le renforcement de l’enseignement supérieur africain.
Le but ultime était de favoriser la mise en place d’une communauté rajeunie, motivée et créative d’universitaires et de praticiens africains engagés à améliorer et à renforcer l’enseignement supérieur africain en utilisant les cadres régionaux et continentaux.
* Une édition française de cette série de MOOCs est en cours de préparation, les supports sont déjà traduits en français, et l’équipe assurant la coordination générale est en train de s’étoffer avec des membres francophones supplémentaires. Une édition portugaise est également prévue pour l’avenir.
TÉLÉCHARGER LE MATÉRIELÀ propos de la première édition
- Le cours a été conçu comme une série de cinq MOOC d’une semaine, un pour chaque partie du matériel.
- Chacun des cinq premiers MOOC a duré une semaine et comprenait différentes unités d’apprentissage et des tests.
- Il y avait une semaine de rattrapage entre le MOOC 3 et le MOOC 4 et une semaine de rattrapage entre le MOOC 5 et le dernier MOOC.
- Le dernier MOOC comprenait un exercice collectif d’évaluation par les pairs (chaque participant évaluait les exercices de deux de ses pairs ; et il y avait une évaluation globale par les professeurs).
- La série impliquait l’étude de documents écrits et la participation à des activités en ligne, certaines synchrones et la plupart asynchrones.

Un bref aperçu de la série de MOOC

Équipe de formation

Président d'OBREAL Global

Ramon TORRENT is the Executive President of OBREAL Global, the association of Universities and associations of Universities that leads the consortium composed by OBREAL Global, AAU, DAAD, ENQA that implements the EU-funded project HAQAA-2 (Harmonization, Accreditation and Quality Assurance in African HE, second phase, 2020-2022). A retired professor of Political Economy and International Economic Law at the U. Barcelona, Spain, he became for a period the Director for External Relations in the Legal Service of the EU Council. He has conceived and directed many international projects, been a consultant for many international organizations and published extensively on HE and International Relations.

Conférencier à la faculté de droit de Birmingham

Henok B. ASMELASH is Ethiopian. He holds a PhD in International Law and Economics from Bocconi University (Milan) and LLM degrees in International Economic Law and Policy from the University of Barcelona and in Business Law from Addis Ababa University. He joined Birmingham Law School in January 2020. Prior to joining the University of Birmingham, he was a Postdoctoral Global Fellow at New York University School of Law and a Research Fellow at the Max Planck Institute Luxembourg for Procedural Law.

Mafini DOSSO
Smart specialisation for sub-Saharan Africa

Mafini DOSSO was born in Abidjan, Côte d’Ivoire, She holds a PhD in Economics of Innovation from the University Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne and is a certified Project. She currently coordinates the ‘Smart specialisation for sub-Saharan Africa’ project at the European Commission’s Joint Research Centre (Seville, Spain). Previously, Mafini was dedicated to produce evidence on the world’s leading innovating firms to inform the European Union’s innovation policies. She has published on various topics including innovation dynamics, industry policy, technological change, intellectual property, smart specialisation, innovation networks, value chains, industry 4.0, and the SDGs.

Chef de projet à OBREAL Global

Apiyo OKWIRI is Project Manager at OBREAL Global. She has vast experience in the field of International cooperation in Higher Education and quality assurance. She has worked as a lead consultant at Ubuntunet Alliance and as expert on joint Africa-EU projects - Tuning Africa and Europe-Africa Quality Connect: Building Institutional Capacity through Partnership. She´s a Kenyan national, former president of Erasmus Mundus Association and holds an M.A Economics from University of Trento, Corvinus University, University of Ljubljana and Regensburg University. She´s carrying out her doctoral research at Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology.

Kibrome Mekonnen
Chef de projet à OBREAL Global

Kibrome B. M. HALLE is Main Consultant of the HAQAA-2 PDU Development Team and Senior Lecturer of International and African Union Law at Jimma University School of Law, Ethiopia. He has a lengthy experience in
the administration of Higher Education Institutions as former Dean of the School of Law at Jimma University and Secretary of the Consortium of Ethiopian Law Schools.
He has extensively worked on legal education policy formulation, harmonization of curricula and national administration of legal education in Ethiopia. He has rendered consultancy services for decision makers at the national and international level on Higher Education policy matters including institutional administration and
autonomy, quality assurance, curriculum review, university industry linkage and community service.
Currently, Haile is working with a particular focus on HE Regionalization and Policy Making in Africa in light of the Instruments of Regional Integration being used and the Dimensions of HE prioritized at the regional level.
Équipe technique

Consultant senior

Blanca BERNABÉ is an experienced Freelance Senior Consultant with a demonstrated track of working in the e-learning industry. Skilled in Moodle, Business Planning, Course design, and Innovation Management. Strong consulting professional with more than 20 years in digital content design and production, corporative learning, change management, and Academic digital transformation specialist. Working wieh companies (Telefónica Educación Digital), Universities (UEM, ITAM..) non-profit organizations (CEDDET, UNICEF, IESALC-UNESCO, GIZ…).

Eloi espósito
Responsable de la communication d'OBREAL Global

Eloi Espósito is currently the communications manager at OBREAL Global. Eloi holds a degree in Tourism from the Universitat de Girona. He has experience in communication management and development of different projects and initiatives in institutional and social organisations.

Partenaire stratégique en matière de digitalisation à OBREAL Global

Daniel Kingis the Director of King Digital Agency, helping clients and companies to build new digital channels to sell, communicate and promote their products and services. Focus on social media, web and interactive multimedia 4.0