about the event

The Harmonisation of African Higher Education Quality Assurance and Accreditation (HAQAA2) Initiative has been an ambitious endeavor to promote African continental harmonization in quality assurance, as well as African regional integration in higher education more generally, in line with the ambitions of the ‘PAQAF’ framework of the African Union and the Continental Education Strategy for Africa (CESA). A continuance of HAQAA1, the initiative has been adjusted and re-positioned over the past 3 years, responding and adapting to the Covid crisis and tackling new, important policy themes where required. The initiative has been structured around three core action areas: Capacity building, training and support for Continental Education Strategy for Africa – CESA (the policy component). It has engaged diverse stakeholders from the higher education sector at institutional, country and regional level. The final HAQAA2 event is a showcase event, tying together all of these elements.



  • To promote and disseminate the results of training and capacity building done in IQA and EQA
  • To discuss the future of the African Standards and Guidelines (ASG-QA) on this basis, as well as continued capacity building and training needs
  • To present a road map and clear vision for the future set-up of the Pan-African Quality Assurance and Accreditation Agency, according to a major stakeholder consultation
  • To articulate a road map for capacity building for coherent higher education data generation in Africa
  • To present a road map for how the African Credit Transfer System should be taken forward in Africa, and concrete actions that can be taken at institutional, national and regional level
  • To deliberate the overall policy impacts of HAQAA2, both towards African regions and towards the African Union and the CESA agenda.


Here you can find all the preparatory materials for your participation in the Final HAQAA2 Conference