HAQAA2 activities contribute to the implementation of the different action lines of the Pan-African Quality Assurance and Accreditation Framework (PAQAF) and to advancing African higher education integration objectives:
Part 1 – Advancing quality culture in Higher Education Institutions
- HAQAA Training Courses for four linguistic and regional cohorts of QA professionals at the HEI level: Courses were anchored on the ASG‐QA, continental frameworks, evaluation/audit (Four cohorts trained – 95 graduates in total from 45 countries).
- Regional and national dissemination projects, conducted by graduates, who are integrated into the network of HAQAA Ambassadors (14 projects in 14 African countries selected).
- AQRM tool revised and revamped: Hosted by AAU
Part 2 – Enhancing capacities of quality assurance agencies to implement the ASG-QA and cross‐regional coordination is improved
- Assessment of the pilot QA agency review methodology applied in HAQAA1 (July 2020)
- Workshops to train QA agency staff on the ASG‐QA (evaluation and audit) and on self‐assessment
- Workshops to train experts in conducting agency reviews
- 7 countries received agency reviews (in the case of a more developed QA agency) / consultancy visits (for countries in the process of developing their national QA agency)
- External assessment reports delivered to 7 countries (ministries/QA agency) and an overarching report/assessment of the QA agency review process.
- A Task Force was set-up to develop a User’s Guide for the ASG‐ QA
Part 3 – Strengthening capacities of the AU in implementing the Pan‐African Quality Assurance and Accreditation Framework (PAQAF)
- A Technical Working Group developed scenarios for the PAQAA set-up and conducted sector wide Recommendations for the AUC were produced.
- The HAQAA Communication Strategy involving strategic regional partners and the Advisory Board of key stakeholders has generated visibility for and understanding of PAQAF
- Organisation of events to promote the Continental Education Strategy for Africa (CESA) higher education cluster and sub‐clusters (CESA Higher Education in Focus).
- Development of Learning Materials in African Higher Education Regional Integration in a comparative international context and the launch of a MOOC series on the same topic, for African policy makers and HE professionals (over 100 certificates delivered)
- Mapping the state of play in data collection in higher education Africa, gap analysis and assessment of the way forward, stressing the role of regions (conducted by a ‘Policy-Data Unit Development Team’)
- Contribution to a CESA Higher Education Book Series, analysing key topics related to the CESA HE Cluster