This initiative is implemented on behalf of the European and African Union Commissions by:
- ‘OBREAL Global Observatory’ (OBREAL GLOBAL), is the coordinator for HAQAA2. It is a membership organisation of diverse, internationally‐oriented academic and research institutions, as well as individual researchers and professionals from Europe, Latin America, the Middle East, Africa and Asia. It is offering its extensive EU project management experience and global network as the coordinator of the HAQAA2 Implementing Team. It guarantees continuity from HAQAA1 in that brings a similar team of experts and project managers who had been employed by the University of Barcelona, the previous HAQAA1 coordinator.
- AAU is the only pan‐regional stakeholder body representing African universities in five continents. It is the official implementing body of the African Union Commission’s strategy for Harmonisation in African higher Education and also has been hosting the AfriQAN secretariat since 2007. Its support to institutional quality development as well as defining policies regarding higher education harmonisation. AAU is developing a new strategic plan (2020‐2025) in which delivering key results upon the Agenda 2063 (the Africa We Want) and CESA are explicitly captured. The AAU is also the entrusted official implementer and promoter of the African Quality Rating Mechanism (AQRM) ‐ one tool of the PAQAF – as mandated by the African Union Commission.
- DAAD has demonstrated impressive investment in higher education internationalisation in Germany and a strategic commitment to development cooperation in higher education. It has a long experience in Africa and is one of the only European higher education agencies that has invested in quality assurance training in higher education in different African regions over the course of the last decade. It has supported both the Eastern African Community as well as Western and Central Africa to advance in defining and applying regional quality assurance guidelines and in capacity development of quality agencies and institutions, for example, and has just launched a QA training programme in the SADC region, which can complement HAQAA2.
- ENQA unites quality assurance agencies in the European Higher Education Area, is consultative member in the Bologna Follow‐up Group (BFUG) taking part in various working groups of the BFUG, founding member of the European Quality Assurance Register (EQAR) and also engages in global dialogue and capacity building around the topic of quality assurance. It has coordinated the Technical Working Group that developed the ASG‐QA and the review methodology in the first phase of HAQAA and the pilot agency evaluations and consultancy visits of external quality assurance.